<aside> 💡 Covered in this guide:
A collection is a group of keywords and phrases that when put together resemble a broader category or topic.
Think of collections as a tracker used to monitor your most important and specific thoughts that show up throughout your writing. Examples can include ideas, mentions of goals, groups of people (family, friends, coworkers), feelings and emotions, wants or needs, things that make you laugh, or times of low energy.
Collections can be any group of words you want and they are only limited by your imagination and the words that you use in your journal entries.
Collections are used as a way to monitor and reflect on a specific topic within your journal entries. A way to see how often you have written about a topic, how you have used it over time and to discover key insights that surround the topic.
Creating a collection allows you to search for a topic (made up of similar words) instead of a single word or phrase. This gives you a broader search but encompasses more context and insights around the topic within the search.
Say you want to track something like your anxiety that shows up within your writing. You could just search the word ‘anxious’ on the explore page to pull up the specific times you have used the word ‘anxious’ in your entries. You might find a few helpful results in the explore detail page but not as many results as if you searched for multiple words that resembled the topic of anxiety.
Think of the topic ‘anxiety’ as an umbrella. Underneath anxiety there are different words that might resemble anxiety. Words including anxiety, anxious, nervous, scared, unsettled, worry, worried, doubt, avoid etc.
Use of these words can show signs of anxiety within your writing which is why we would put them all together in a collection. We can search a topic over time to gather more encompassing context instead of an individual word over time.
Navigate to the ‘Explore’ page on the navigation panel on the left side of the screen. If it is not visible, click the hamburger menu at the top left of the screen to the left of the wondr logo to slide out the navigation menu.
Make sure you are on the ‘collections’ tab. If not, click on ‘collections’ tab
Click the ‘Create new collection’ button
Title the collection
For this example we're going to try to pinpoint anxiety within our journaling so we are going to create a collection about anxiety and title it "Anxiety". The title can be anything you want.
Give the collection a description
Since we are looking to pinpoint anxiety, we are going to make the description "Times when I am mentioning anxiety related words". We could have also titled this "things that bring me anxiety"